Please can all requests for new DDIs (telephone numbers) for any Tonic communication services (including TonicSMS) include the following information:
  1. The area code required
  2. The end user who will be originating the calls is authorised by the range holder to present the telephone number(s) in question on our network;
  3. There are sufficient inbound facilities in place to be able to handle the volume of calls generated by the corresponding outbound;
  4. For the telephone number(s) in question, the calls are being made for or on behalf of a company that is based either at or as near as possible to the geographical location corresponding to the STD code of that telephone number;
  5. The telephone number(s) in question will not be used to make unsolicited sales/marketing calls within the UK (this last point only needs to be confirmed if you do not wish TPS screening to be enabled at network level).

Requests should be made, in writing, either to or using the Customer Portal

Please note: We have a fair use policy in place for DDI orders. Managing your DDI's is more effective than replacing them. We reserve the right to impose a charge of £5 per requested DDI for large orders.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

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